April 22, 2020
County Board Chair Analiese Eicher, 608.449.5218
County Board

The Dane County Board held their organizational meeting last night where officers were elected, and a new County Board term began. 


In a unanimous vote, the County Board elected Analiese Eicher (District 3) to lead them through the next two years.  Eicher, one of the youngest County Board Chair’s in the country and the state of Wisconsin, will be beginning her 3rd term on the Board. 


In response to her election, Eicher said “If you’re like me you’re seeking some sort of balance right now.  Balancing our days and families, and every part of our lives. Our challenge is the same – balance is our challenge.  We have a challenge to carry on the Dane County tradition of caring for our people, preserving lakes, making positive progress in the criminal justice system, and having a robust economy that works for everyone.  This Board is up to the challenge.  It is going to be tough, but we can find the balance”.


Also elected unanimously were Supervisor Chuck Erickson (District 13) as First Vice Chair, Supervisor Kristen Audet (District 17) for Second Vice Chair, and both Sergeants at Arms – Supervisor Maureen McCarville (District 22), and new County Board Supervisor Anthony Gray (District 14).  


As the County Board has continued to meet electronically amid a global pandemic, 11 new and 26 existing Dane County Board Supervisors took the oath of office to begin the 2020-2022 County Board term.

New Supervisors being sworn in included:

Elena Haasl – District 5

Alex Joers – District 9

Richelle Andrae – District 11

Anthony Gray – District 14

Blaire Adkins – District 16

Teran Peterson – District 19

Sarah Smith – District 19

Holly Hatcher – District 26

Michele Doolan – District 28

Mike Bare – District 32

Kate McGinnity – District 37


This new Board not only represents a large change in members, but also makes history in the gender, age, and diversity of its members.


For the first time, women make up the majority of the Dane County Board – representing 20 of the 37 seats.  In 1990 women held 19 of 41 seats (46.3%), and in 2019 the Board had parity.


“I could not be prouder and more humbled to lead this fantastic group of people through the next two years.  The challenges we face as a Board and as a Dane County community are unprecedented, however I believe we can rise to the challenge, and I look forward to working with them, and the residents of the county” said Chair Eicher.


The new Board is one of the youngest in Dane County’s history, as well as the most diverse.  The County Board is majority Generation X & Millennial, with one Generation Z member. In previous terms, there was little diversity on the Board, but that is changing. With the 2020-2022 term there are now six County Board supervisors who are people of color.


“The demographic makeup of the Dane County Board of Supervisors more closely mirrors the demographics of our county now - and that's a good thing.” said Chair Eicher.


The first regular meeting of the new County Board will take place on Thursday, May 7 at 7:00pm.  Chair Eicher intends to make committee assignments in the coming days.