December 02, 2020
County Board Chair Analiese Eicher, (608) 571-6823
County Board

Today County Board Chair Analiese Eicher announced the appointments of Cecely Castillo and Larry Palm to the Dane County Board. Castillo will represent district 4 on the southwest side of the City of Madison, and Palm will represent district 12 on the north side of the City of Madison.


The vacancy in district 4 was created when Richard Kilmer resigned from the Board, and the vacancy in district 12 resulted from the death of Paul Rusk.


The full Board will consider the appointments at their December 17th meeting. Contingent upon County Board approval, Castillo and Palm will immediately be sworn in and participate in the remainder of the meeting.


""I believe Cecely and Larry will bring new perspectives to the County Board," said County Board Chair Analiese Eicher. "I was impressed with each of the candidates, specifically their interest in making Dane County a great place for all people to live."


The hearings for both districts were held last evening and included several candidates for both districts.


In District 4, there were five applicants: Michael Horecki, Ben Li, Cecely Castillo, Allen Arntsen, and Stu Levitan.


In District 12, there were four applicants: Amani Latimer Burris, Roy C Franz, Larry Palm, and M. Anthony Whitaker. A fifth candidate, Patrick Hasburgh, withdrew from consideration, and Mr. Whitaker’s nomination papers lacked a sufficient number of signatures.


Cecely is an attorney who has worked for the Cook County, Illinois District Attorney and has experience with domestic abuse victims and youth justice. She also served as the policy director for Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Lawton, as well as in the area of women’s health. Cecely will be the first Latina to serve on the Dane County Board.


Larry Palm is a former City of Madison Alder who has deep relationships in the District he will represent.


"I’m eager to work with both Cecely and Larry in the coming months. There is no shortage of issues facing Dane County. Their input and experience will be beneficial as we work through these challenges," said Eicher.


Both Castillo and Palm will need to stand for election in a special election in April to serve the remainder of the term.