Dane County Executive Parisi Opens New Senior Dining Site in Meadowood Neighborhood

November 24, 2015
Stephanie Miller, 608-267-8823
County Executive

Today Dane County Executive Joe Parisi and Meadowood Neighborhood Center Director Joe Schlesing are attending the opening of a new senior meals site located between the Neighborhood Center and the Library at 5726 Raymond Road.  The Meadowood Neighborhood was identified as an area in need of nutrition services.

In early 2015, the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) of Dane County determined Meadowood was an area that had many seniors but did not have a meal site. Very quickly, more than 35 seniors in the community volunteered to help staff the site and dine at the site if opened.  In July, Dane County sought grant funding to open the new site.  As part of a statewide revitalization effort of the senior dining program, the WI State Bureau of Aging and Disability Resources (BADR) awarded the AAA with the funding needed to open a new senior dining site in the Meadowood neighborhood – one based upon a model partnership between the West Side Senior Coalition, the Meadowood Neighborhood Center, and the Meadow Ridge Library.

“The Meadowood Neighborhood Center and the dedicated volunteers are a testament to the work a community can accomplish together,” said Dane County Executive Joe Parisi.  “I am happy that Dane County is a part of this effort.  We invite seniors to stop by and enjoy a meal.”

?The site will be open every Tuesday and Thursday at 11:30 AM for seniors wishing to have a well-balanced, nutritious meal.  For more information, to make a meal reservation and/or schedule a ride, call the West Madison Senior Center by noon the day before you wish to dine at 238-0196. 

According to Center Director Joe Schlesing and Alice Oakey?, Supervising Librarian at the Meadow Ridge Library, "We are happy to welcome area seniors and others to break bread together at Meadowood and Meadow Ridge.  When we envisioned the kitchen between our two organizations and how it could benefit our neighborhood, this partnership was exactly what we were looking for.  We are very grateful to the West Madison Senior Center for bringing this opportunity to our community."


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