May 23, 2017
County Board Chair Sharon Corrigan, 608.333.2285
County Board

County officials using “Polco” for citizen input on Alliant Center future


The Dane County Board wants feedback on redevelopment of the Alliant Energy Center campus from those already using the facility: Brat Fest attendees.


Officials from the city, county and tourism bureau will be on hand Friday through Sunday at the World’s Largest Brat Fest seeking the public’s ideas and vision for the 164-acre AEC grounds.


An information booth will be located on the path between Willow Island and the carnival located in the Coliseum parking lot.


“We want to hear what people think about the future of the Alliant Energy Center and who better to ask than existing customers,” said County Board Chair Sharon Corrigan.


The Dane County Board created the AEC Comprehensive Master Plan Oversight Committee in 2016 and has since retained Vandewalle & Associates to guide a public engagement process over the next six months. The goal is to create a plan that maximizes future investment in the facility to increase the tax base and generate event activity that best reflects community priorities for economic, social and environmental sustainability.


The Committee will be seeking the public’s ideas and vision for the AEC throughout the summer using Polco, a Madison-based interactive web-based polling platform. Polco allows elected officials to post questions directly to citizens and receive insightful, reliable data to drive local policy decisions.


Citizens can also become active users at any time by visiting  to create an account. Polco’s platform is available via web, mobile, email or any place citizens find Polco e-ballot’s online. 


For those attending Brat Fest, volunteers will help members of the public log into Polco and discuss the AEC visioning process.


The Friday lineup has neighborhood representative Tom DeChant; Madison Alder  Sheri Carter and County Board Supervisor Richard Kilmer from 4-7 p.m.; Saturday is Supervisor Sheila Stubbs and Deb Archer, president of the Greater Madison Convention & Visitors Bureau from 3-7 p.m.; Sunday is Diane Morgenthaler of the GMCVB and Jerrett Jones, County Board Innovation Intern.