August 30, 2018
Sharon Corrigan, County Board Chair 608.333.2285
County Board

Hearings before policy makers set for Sept. 12-13


Those interested in offering input on the upcoming 2019 Dane County Budget are urged to appear at two upcoming public hearings.


The hearing on Wednesday Sept. 12 will focus on the Department of Human Services budget. That traditionally well-attended event begins at 6 p.m. in Room 201 of the City County Building.


The Sept. 12 hearing will include County Executive Joe Parisi, Human Services Department Director Lynn Green and Health & Human Needs Committee Chair Supervisor Jamie Kuhn (District 16, East Madison).


On Thursday, Sept. 13, the hearing will address all county departments other than the Department of Human Services. That meeting also begins at 6 p.m. in Room 201 of the City County Building.


Both hearings are designed to provide input to the County Board and County Executive about the departmental requests. 


“One of the great things about Dane County government is how residents can help shape our spending priorities,” said County Board Chair Sharon Corrigan (District 26, Middleton). “I urge anyone interested in local issues to make their voices heard at these open hearings.”


In addition to an overview of budget requests, Corrigan said the hearings will also provide a chance for the Dane County Board to review progress over the past year in two priority areas: sustainability and racial equity.


Corrigan said the board is looking for an update from county officials on the best achievements in those key areas during the past year and what resources department heads might need in 2019.


“This board remains committed to racial justice and environmental sustainability as an important part of our work to make sure we are putting taxpayer dollars where they can do the most good,” she said.

Those with disability issues or child care responsibilities may present their comments immediately following the department overview.  Each person testifying at the hearings will be limited to three minutes of remarks.


Individuals who have questions regarding the hearings can contact the County Board Office at 608-266-5758 or the Human Services Department at 608-242-6469.